Jennifer Wreyford.jpg

Jennifer’s lifelong passion for personal and professional development, combined with over 15 years of success in business leadership roles, makes her one of Fruition Coaching’s most effective coaches to work with. Her unique balance of mastery in both the psychology and strategy of success creates a powerful force to help clients achieve rapid results in all aspects of their lives. She goes above and beyond in her dedication to each of her clients, doing whatever it takes to help them achieve their goals, find purpose, and create an extraordinary quality of life. 

Jennifer is a Board Certified Coach (BCC), a credential recognizing coaches meeting the highest standards in training, experience, ethics and business practices. Trained by the highly acclaimed Robbins Madanes coach training school (RMT), her coaching techniques stem from RMT's strategic intervention model, extracting the most practical and effective forms of strategic action from a variety of disciplines: Ericksonian therapy, Human Needs Psychology, organizational psychology, neurolinguistics, psychology of influence, and others.

The combination of Jennifer’s experience, training, natural passion, and powerful intuition results in rapid and lasting change in her clients' lives. From growing businesses, to weight loss, to relationships, to just simply how to feel happy again, she does it all!

Her favorite part of coaching is helping her clients find a renewed sense of confidence, self-love, and happiness in their lives. She splits her time between Denver, Colorado and Costa Rica, where she enjoys practicing Ashtanga yoga, learning Spanish, and taking surfing lessons!

What’s your favorite quote? 

“Keep smiling and taking long steps” – my grandpa

“If you stay, it will move; If you move, it will stay” – an Ashtanga yoga saying.

What’s one thing we’d be surprised to know about you?  

I still hold a record in the State of Louisiana for archery…and took 2nd place in the nation one year!

If you could have one super power what would it be?  

Teleportation…Calgon, take me away!

What destinations top your travel wish list?  

Bora Bora; New Zealand; Peru

What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? 

I love Kauai…there’s a hike along the Napali Coast that is amazing. Second to that, and in a completely different classification, would be the Austrian Alps. 

What’s your favorite dessert? 

My mom’s homemade German Chocolate Cake

If you could give all human beings one virtue, which would you choose? 

Self that a virtue? If not, then compassion. Compassion for self, first and foremost…because what you have within you, you are able to truly give to others.

What’s the craziest or most dangerous thing you’ve ever done? 

Sky diving…I also used to ride a Kawasaki Ninja 650

What’s the secret to life? 

Own your shit…then heal it…. do the work from the inside out, and you WILL create your best life. Love yourself. Love everyone else. Know that people are doing the best they can at the time. Travel a lot. Find the humor and the good in every situation, no matter how dark, because there will always be some of both. Smile at people. And just….LET GO.